APRIL International

APRIL International

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Cek Produk APRIL Insurance dengan Premi Terbaik

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About APRIL International

APRIL International is a global private health insurance provider, serving over 150,000 policyholders worldwide. APRIL International aims to simplify and optimise access to healthcare globally.

APRIL International is underwritten by PT Asuransi Artarindo, registered with the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (Financial Services Authority) since 1978. In a strategic partnership with Lifepal, APRIL International offers flexible health insurance in Indonesia.

APRIL’s Health Insurance Plans

APRIL International offers flexible health plans designed for expats, permanent residents and local nationals in Indonesia. Their plans are built with a modular design, allowing you to mix and match the specific healthcare coverage you need. This customization gives you the freedom to create different plans for each family member. You can also enjoy cost savings with their attractive family discount of up to 15%.

1. Core Plan

The Core Plan offers a budget-friendly solution that offers extensive health coverage at a competitive price point. An optional supplemental dental benefit can be added for enhanced coverage.


  • Coverage Area: ASEAN excluding Singapore
  • Benefits Annual Limit: Up to US$400,000
  • Hospital Cash Benefit: Up to US$100 per night
  • Emergency medical evacuation and medically required repatriation: Fully covered

2. Essential Plan

The Essential Plan stands out in the Indonesian market for its exceptional health coverage, particularly its inclusion of outpatient mental and nervous conditions, a benefit often missing from competing plans.


  • Coverage area: ASEAN excluding Singapore or Worldwide excluding USA
  • Benefits annual limit: Up to US$2,000,000
  • Hospital Cash Benefit: Up to US$150 per night
  • Outpatient Mental and Nervous Conditions: Up to US$2,000
  • Emergency medical evacuation and medically required repatriation: Fully covered

Hospital Partners in Jakarta, Indonesia

APRIL International is constantly expanding their network to enhance their members’ experience with qualified healthcare partners. Members can enjoy cashless access to their extensive network of over 4,800 medical facilities in Asia, from hospitals and clinics to general practitioners and specialists.

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Cek Produk APRIL Insurance dengan Premi Terbaik

Lebih dari 52.000+ nasabah telah terlindungi dengan polis terbaik. Gratis konsultasi!

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