Comparing Car Insurance in Indonesia
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8 Best Car Insurance in Indonesia

Comparing car insurance is very important when you buy or lease a car in Indonesia. Although insurance is not mandatory, Indonesia is usually congested with traffic, which increases the risk of accidents such as collisions and scratches. Instead of paying out-of-pocket for car accidents, you can pay for annual premiums and all costs associated with accidents can be burdened to the insurance company.

There are two types of car or vehicle  insurance coverage available in Indonesia, which are all risk (comprehensive) and Total Loss Only (TLO).

All risks or also known as comprehensive plan cover the cost of partial and severe damage to your car, including stolen vehicles. Total loss only (TLO) only covers when the estimated cost of repairs is more than 75 percent of the car’s actual cash value or the car is no longer usable.

To help you choose the best plan that suits your needs and budget, Lifepal has concluded 8 best auto insurance in Indonesia:

Asuransi Garda Oto
Asuransi Garda Oto
Garansi Hasil Kerja Bengkel
6 bulan
Emergency Road Assistance
Garda Siaga 24/7
Asuransi Mobil Autocillin Syariah
Asuransi Mobil Autocillin Syariah
Bengkel Rekanan
300+ bengkel
Usia Mobil Max.
10 tahun
Asuransi Mobil ACA
Asuransi Mobil ACA
Bengkel Rekanan
400+ bengkel
Usia Mobil Max.
7 tahun
Rasio Solvabilitas
Asuransi Mobil Sompo
Bengkel Rekanan
500+ bengkel
Tunjangan transportasi selama perbaikan
Asuransi Mobil Mega Insurance
Asuransi Mobil Mega Insurance
Bengkel Rekanan
400+ bengkel
Usia Mobil Max.
10 Tahun
Best General Insurance 2022
Asuransi Simas Insurtech
Asuransi Simas Insurtech
Bengkel Rekanan
40+ Rekanan
Usia Mobil Max.
10 Tahun
Asuransi Mobil MAG
Asuransi Mobil MAG
Bengkel Rekanan
600+ bengkel
Usia Mobil Max.
10 tahun
Best General Insurance 2022
KB Insurance Indonesia
KB Insurance Indonesia
Bengkel Rekanan
100+ bengkel
Usia Mobil Max.
20 tahun

Car Insurance Coverage in Indonesia

Car insurance gives you financial protection in the event of accident or other unexpectable contingencies on the road. While different brands offer different types of insurance coverage, most basic policies consist of:

  • Vehicle damage: collision, scratches, slips, etc
  • Stolen, with or without violence
  • Claim at partner workshops (non-authorised)

Along with basic coverage, you can buy add-ons or also known as riders to enhance the protection. You will be charged an additional premium for riders.

Rider Options

  • Claim at authorised workshops
  • Daily Allowance Benefit​​​​​
  • Personal Accident Cover
  • Roadside Assistance
  • Passenger Cover
  • Third Party Liability

Car Insurance Claim

Dealing with car accidents can be super stressful, but filing a claim doesn’t have to be. Make sure you report a claim as soon as possible or maximum within five days of the accident. For an easy solution, you can report or ask for assistance to file an online claim from Lifepal. Here are the basic steps to filing a claim:

Step 1: Report your claim as soon as possible

Step 2: Take a quick photo of the damage and submit to the insurance company

Step 3: Insurance company will do a review to determine the repair estimation cost

Step 4: Get your car repaired

Step 5: Insurance will pay your claim directly to the workshops or send your money for reimbursement claim

Claim Documents

  • Insurance policy documents, attachments/endorsement
  • Driver’s License (SIM)
  • Vehicle Registration Certificate (STNK)
  • BPKB
  • Insured identity card (KTP)
  • LKKB (Motorized Vehicle Accident Report)
  • Loss report including accident chronology
  • Loss of certificate in case of theft
  • A third party claim letter if it involves a third party

How to Compare and Tips to Find The Best Car Insurance Plans in Indonesia

Purchasing car insurance can be stressful and overwhelming. Especially comparing car insurance policies to meet your needs and budget. Here is a guide to help you select the right car insurance policy in Indonesia:

1. Do Your Research

There are dozens of car insurance brands available in Indonesia. Therefore you need to be extra careful in choosing the right insurance brands for your car protection. Do your research to make sure that the insurance company of your choice is credible and has good reviews. If you choose to purchase through an insurance broker, make sure it’s registered in Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK).

2. Decide Which Type of Car Insurance You Need

As mentioned above, there are six types of car insurance that you can choose to meet your needs and budget. For an easy solution, you can use a free consultation benefit with an insurance expert from Lifepal. Our team will help you choose the right policy that suits your needs and budget.

3. Comparing Car Insurance Online

Lifepal is a licensed insurance broker that helps you compare and find the best car insurance policy online. All you need to do is fill in the form and compare maximum three policies side by side. With our comparison tools, it will be easier for you to find the best car insurance policy at the cheapest price

4. Insured Claim Ratio

Insured claim ratio shows how many claims the insurance company has paid out of. For example, if the claim settlement ratio is 90 percent, then it signifies that the insurance company has paid 90 claims out of 100. Knowing the claim ratio can help you to weigh the risk of your claim getting rejected.

5. Understand Premium Requirement in Your City

According to the regulation of Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority, car insurance premiums must be determined by region. Therefore, you need to know the premium requirements in your city to get a better understanding of the annual premium that you need to pay.

Benefits of Buying Car Insurance Online

Buying car insurance online will give you a hassle-free solution. Just one click away, you can compare and purchase insurance in the comfort of your home. Here are some benefits of buying car insurance online:

1. Quick and Convenient

Buying insurance online means you don’t need to visit an insurance company to consult or purchase the best plan. You can do the entire procedure of buying insurance online, which saves time and effort. For example, you can easily purchase car insurance through Lifepal’s website. Then, fill in the leadform and our team will contact you within 30 minutes.

2. Easy to Do Comparison

Lifepal offers a user-friendly interface to enable you to compare dozens of car insurance policies through your digital device. With this tool, you can easily compare policies side by side and choose the insurance plan that suits your needs and budget.

3. Easy Access to Information

As the largest insurance marketplace in Indonesia, all the information about Lifepal and brand reviews can be accessed transparently through our website.

4. Affordable

Lifepal has partnered with 50+ best insurance companies in Indonesia, such as AXA Mandiri, Prudential, Mandiri Inhealth, and many more. You can get our limited discount up to 25 percent for selected car insurance policy.

Car Insurance FAQ

Do I need car insurance for a leased vehicle?

When you lease a car, typically you’ll be bundled with car insurance for 2 years. Typically the first year you’ll get all risk or comprehensive insurance and the next year total loss only (TLO) coverage. For the third or next years to come, you can get car insurance at your own expense.

How to renew car insurance online?

Contact Lifepal’s customer service and ask for policy renewal. Our team will assist you until the renewal process is successful.

  • 0823-3003-0027 (WA)
  • 021-3111-6121

What are the key features of car insurance policy?

There are four key features that come with a basic car insurance policy:

  • Car damage coverage: cover the cost of minor to severe damage on your car
  • Comprehensive or TLO: cover only the cost of severe damage on your car
  • Personal accident: cover the cost of medical treatment and death benefit that is cause by accident
  • Collision Coverage: cover the cost of repairs to your car if it’s hit by another vehicle or object.

How does own risk work in Indonesia?

Own risk is a cost that needs to be paid by the insured when failing a claim to an insurance company. Usually, the cost is around Rp300 thousand.

Do I need a driver's license when buying car insurance in Indonesia?

When purchasing car insurance, the insurance provider may request your driver’s license information for several reasons:

  1. Verification of identity: Your driver’s license helps confirm your identity and ensures that the insurance policy is issued to the correct person.
  2. Driving history assessment: Your driving record, including any past traffic violations or accidents, is a crucial factor in determining your insurance premium. The insurance company needs your driver’s license to access this information from the relevant authorities or databases.
  3. Risk evaluation: Insurers assess the risk associated with insuring a particular driver. Your driver’s license provides important details such as your age, experience, and license type, which helps them evaluate the level of risk involved.
  4. Legal compliance: Insurance companies must comply with state and local laws regarding insurance coverage. Requesting your driver’s license allows them to verify that you meet the legal requirements for driving and insurance in your jurisdiction.

It’s important to note that the exact requirements and reasons for requesting a driver’s license may vary depending on the insurance provider.

Is car insurance mandatory in Indonesia?

While car insurance isn’t obligatory in Indonesia, it becomes a requirement if the vehicle is financed through a bank. In such cases, the bank typically mandates comprehensive insurance coverage to protect their investment in the vehicle.

How does car insurance operate in Indonesia?

Car insurance in Indonesia typically comes in two main types: Comprehensive (All Risk) and Total Loss Only (TLO). Comprehensive car insurance, also known as All Risk car insurance, offers varying levels of coverage depending on the insurer you select.

Who regulates insurance in Indonesia?

The Financial Services Authority, known as OJK (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan), serves as the primary regulatory body overseeing insurance activities in Indonesia.

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