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Best Health Insurance for Expats in Indonesia
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Best Health Insurance for Expats in Indonesia I Lifepal

For expats who just moved to Indonesia, it is very important to understand how the healthcare system works as it differs from its Western counterparts. Indonesia’ s healthcare system includes both public and private plans, and you can make use of either.

Public health insurance or also known as BPJS is mandatory for all residents, including expats who work for at least 6 months in Indonesia. Despites its full coverage without annual limit and age, there are some exclusions that BPJS won’t cover. Therefore most expats prefer to have private healthcare protection in Indonesia.

Lifepal will guide you through all the essentials about healthcare in Indonesia, including coverage, prices, and the best available options.

Why Health Insurance Important for Expats in Indonesia?

Although BPJS continuously improves its services, there are still many factors that can make the process of going through treatment difficult for expat using public health insurance.

In most cases, you will need to go to a small clinic first before they refer you to the hospital. This means you can get medications or additional checkups in the hospital if the doctor in the small clinic thinks it’s necessary. Also, there are several types of medicines that are excluded by BPJS.

Having international medical insurance, you will guarantee to get quality private healthcare.

Health Insurance Available for Expats Indonesia

In general there are 3 types of health insurance available in Indonesia:

1. Public Health Insurance

Public health insurance or BPJS Kesehatan is mandatory for KITAS and KITAP holders who work for at least 6 months in Indonesia. However, spouses of KITAS holders are not eligible for BPJS. Both employers and the employee must make monthly payments.

BPJS Kesehatan covers basic to advanced healthcare services. Meaning from outpatient (including dental) to inpatient (including surgeries) expenses will be covered by BPJS. So in terms of insurance benefits, it offers quite comprehensive coverage with a very low premiums – Rp42,000 – Rp150,000 per month.

Although having comprehensive benefits and low premiums, BPJS has several shortcomings. For the claim process, you need to go to a first-level health service before they refer you to a hospital. They tend to have very few, if any, English-speaking medical staff. So, it can be tricky when communicating during the clinic visit.

2. Private Local Health Insurance

For more comfortable services yet still cost-effective, you can choose to enrol in a private local health insurance that partners with the best hospitals in Indonesia. The benefits often include inpatient services, while outpatient claims are usually excluded.

Compared to BPJS, the claim process of private health insurance is less hassle. Most of the private health insurance for expats offer a cashless claim process. So once needed, you can just come to a network hospital, submit a pre-authorization request, and your medical expenses will be covered by the insurance. However, you might need to pay for expenses for services that are not covered under the policy. So, be aware of the policy’s restrictions and exclusion to avoid high excess.

3. Private International Health Insurance

Lastly, the best health insurance option for expats is the ones that cover international claims. International health insurance policies typically cover claims in Indonesia and other countries in SouthEast Asia (exclude Singapore). This plan is perfect for expats who travel a lot. Also, you’re more likely to have an English speaking custom service.

Given the International coverage, the annual limits mostly are higher compared to the local plan. Therefore, international health insurance policies are more expensive than the local counterparts.

You can also prioritizing a policy that includes family protection provides peace of mind and safeguards long-term financial stability against high medical expenses.

Best International Health Insurance for Expats in Indonesia

There are several health insurance companies in Indonesia, providing international coverage across ASEAN. Choosing the best one that meets your needs and budget can be tricky.

Lifepal has concluded the best plans based on various criteria, such as seamlessness of claim process, number of hospital network coverages, total sum insured, and premium prices. One of our best recommendations is from APRIL International that covers claims from ASEAN and worldwide (exclude Singapore and USA). With an annual limit up to US$2,000,000 and hospital cash benefit up to US$150 per night.

This plan does not include maternity benefits. However, you can add maternity insurance as a rider.

How to Claim Health Insurance in Indonesia?

Health insurance claims can be settled through cashless or reimbursement methods. Cashless methods are preferable as it is easier to process claims without involving any documentation and no need to pay the bills in advance.

However, if your medical expenses go beyond the sub insured or annual limit, then you will have to settle the payment personally to the hospital.

These are the difference between cashless and reimbursement:

  • Cashless: submit your insurance card or insurance ID to the hospital → hospital confirms to the insurer → once approved, claim is success and you get medical treatment.
  • Reimbursement: clear your hospital bills → report your claim to the insurer → make sure to submit all claim documents →  the insurance company will do the claim survey → once approved, the reimbursement claim is success.


Does the International Health Insurance cover claims in other countries?

Coverage area for APRIL International are ASEAN (exclude Singapore) and worldwide (exclude USA). The coverage area depends on the insurance plan you choose. Fill the lead form above for more information!

What is the length of the policy contract?

APRIL International offers an annual contract.

What are the common reasons for claim rejection in Indonesia?

There are reasons why your health insurance claim might get rejected. It may be caused by misperception concerning the insurance policy.

We have elaborated seven possibilities that should be considered to avoid claim rejection

  • Claim included in the exclusions
  • Inactive insurance policy
  • Exceeding the claim time limit
  • Inadequate claim documents
  • Illegal claim
  • In waiting period
  • Claim region is not covered
  • Excessing the sum insure or annual limit

Is there any good life insurance plan available in Indonesia?

Yes, there are several reputable life insurance plans available in Indonesia. Some of the top options include Simas Jiwa, Allianz, Chubb, and many more. Learn more about how life insurance works in Indonesia here!

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