Top 6 Maternity Insurance Plans in Indonesia 2024
Maternity insurance offers coverage for any medical expenses during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and post-birth complications. Insurance for maternity is usually included as a rider in employee benefits insurance along with health coverage.
There are a lot of maternity insurance policies available in Indonesia. Comparing each one of them can be tricky. Therefore, Lifepal has concluded 6 best maternity insurance in Indonesia that offers the best coverage at the cheapest price:
AXA Mandiri – International Exclusive AsiaInternational Exclusive Asia covers delivery expenses and more suited for mother who wants to do delivery abroad. Details and Benefit
Manulife – MiUltimate HealthCareMiUltimate HealthCare covers maternity and delivery expenses and gives high outer limit up to Rp50 million per year. Details and Benefit
Allianz – Smarthealth Maxi VioletRider Smarthealth Maxi Violet covers hospitalization expenses, including maternity, delivery, also miscarriage. Details and Benefit
Mandiri Inhealth – IndemnityMandiri Health is an employee benefit rider policy, covers maternity expenses as charged in hospital. Details and Benefit
BNI Life – Optima Cash PlanOptima Cash Plan is best suited policy for employee benefit and a small company which looking for good coverage but low premium insurance. Details and Benefit
Prudential – PRUMy ChildPRUMy Child is the best choice if you looking for no waiting period maternity insurance plus great coverage. Details and Benefit
What is Maternity Insurance?

Maternity insurance is an additional benefit (rider) of health insurance that covers expenses related to pregnancy and delivery (c-section or normal delivery). Maternity insurance usually can be found as a rider for health insurance or as one of the benefits included in an employee benefits insurance plan.
Maternity insurance usually offers a long waiting period, typically from 9 to 12 months. The reason is mainly that health risk or medical complication is higher during pregnancy. While most insurances require the insured to be perfectly healthy before having insurance. So maternity insurance is more suited for newlyweds or couples who are trying for a child.
Why Do You Need Maternity Insurance?
Maternity insurance is highly recommended for anyone who’s planning to have children soon. The reason is that maternity expenses can be very expensive if you need advanced medical treatment or have complications during or after birth.
Having maternity insurance can help you manage your finances because all things related to pregnancy and birth, like medical examinations, and medicines are covered by the insurance company so you can be prevented from spending your savings.
Tips for Choosing the Best Maternity Insurance in Indonesia
Choosing the best maternity insurance in Indonesia depends on some key factors, such as:
1. Premium
Some maternity insurance plans are available at high health insurance premiums. So it’s best to find maternity insurance with lower premium rates or falls on your own budget so you won’t end up paying for high expenses.
2. Waiting period
Health insurance that covers maternity comes with a waiting period when claims are not accepted. It is recommended to choose a health insurance plan or stand-alone maternity insurance plan with a shorter waiting period or no waiting period at all.
3. Inner limit
Some maternity insurance offers an inner limit, which means that the benefit can not be availed of greater than the limit shown on the policy. It is recommended to choose a maternity insurance plan with lesser inner limits as it restricts coverage benefits or finds one that only offers outer limits.
4. Sum insured
When you choose maternity insurance plans with a high sum insured, you are required to pay a higher premium. But it might not be beneficial in the future, so choose the sum insured carefully.
5. Network hospitals
Choosing maternity insurance with a wide or huge number of network hospitals is better because it means you are only available to do the cashless treatment. In case of emergency, choose the one that has a network hospital near your residence.
How to Get Maternity Insurance at Lifepal?
Lifepal provides the best maternity insurance riders and stand-alone policy with various benefits from pre to post-natal until newborn care and higher outer limits. Lifepal also partnered with some of the top insurance companies who provide this type of insurance such as AXA Mandiri, Prudential, Manulife, Allianz, and many more.
Some of our clients include big names, such as Lazada, Lamudi, Deliveree, Happyfresh, J&T, and many more.
Learn more about Lifepal maternity insurance plans now!
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Maternity Insurance Types
Most maternity insurance can be found as riders or add-ons to a health insurance plan and also as one of the benefits in the employee benefits plans. But there are also stand-alone maternity insurance plans.
There are not many differences in benefits for each type, but you can choose which one works best for you and is suited for your budget:
1. Stand-alone Insurance
In Indonesia, there are not many maternity insurance plans that are stand-alone policies. One of them is PRUMyChild from Prudential Indonesia offers a stand-alone maternity insurance plan.
Stand-alone insurance means you can buy the plans without other primary insurance first. This is the best option if you are looking for a specific policy and don’t want to pay an extra premium.
2. Riders Insurance
Maternity rider insurance is a common type of maternity insurance in Indonesia. There is the best health insurance that covers maternity, most of them being employee benefit plans, but you can also find traditional health insurance plans.
The only way to use these plans is to buy the health insurance first, then you have to pay an extra premium for maternity insurance riders or add-ons.
Is There International Maternity Insurance for Expats?
Expats in Indonesia can use international health insurance maternity plans, with maternity coverage as early as possible. There are companies that offer international maternity insurance that is best for expats.
Some of them are Cigna Global Health Indonesia which offers complications arising for maternity and childbirth coverage and also Pacific Cross Comprehensive International Plan which offers maternal care and free newborn coverage.
Maternity Insurance Benefits
The main benefit of maternity insurance is coverage for all delivery or pregnancy-related expenses up to the specified limit during a policy term. But some insurance companies also offer other maternity insurance benefits, such as:
- Pre and postnatal expenses
- Newborn baby expenses
- Basic medical expenses during an emergency
- Maternity leave insurance benefits for women employees
Pre and post-hospitalization costs are also covered by maternity insurance, such as nursing and room charges, surgeon fees, doctor consultation, and anesthetist consultation.
How to Claim Maternity Insurance in Indonesia?
Claiming maternity insurance in Indonesia is the same as the health insurance claim method. Claims can be settled through cashless or reimbursement methods.
Cashless is preferable because it’s easier to claim without involving any document paper or the need to pay the bills in advance. All you have to do is just show or swipe your policy card when registering in a nearby network hospital before getting the treatment.
However, if your medical expenses go beyond the sub-insured or annual limit, then you will have to settle the payment personally to the hospital.
These are the difference between cashless and reimbursement:
Cashless | Reimbursement |
Submit your insurance card or insurance ID to the hospital → hospital confirms to insurer → once approved, the claim is success and you get medical treatment. | Clear your hospital bills → report your claim to the insurer → make sure to submit all claim documents → the insurance company will do the claim survey → once approved, the reimbursement claim is success. |
Claim documents needed for reimbursement
- Hospital bills
- Pharmacy bills (if any)
- Valid ID proof
- Doctor’s report
- Claim form
Maternity Insurance FAQ
Which insurance is best for maternity?
Best maternity insurance provides coverage from pregnancy to delivery, including delivery expenses, pre, and post-natal hospitalization fees, newborn baby coverage, also available coverage for normal as well as cesarean deliveries. See tips to choose the best maternity insurance in Indonesia here!
What is the waiting period for maternity insurance?
A waiting period is a specified range of time in which claims are not accepted. In maternity insurance, you have to wait typically 9 to 12 months before you can make claims so you can’t be pregnant before applying to a maternity insurance plan
Is there any maternity insurance without waiting period?
One of the benefits that people often look for in maternity insurance coverage is the availability of waiting periods. Choosing maternity insurance without a waiting period is best when you have an unplanned pregnancy or don’t want to wait for the specified time required because you don’t know the exact time when you will get pregnant.
Maternity insurance coverage with no waiting period means you don’t have to wait for a specified time to have your claims. This is also the best type of maternity insurance after becoming pregnant, so you can claim anytime after you have given birth.
PRUMyChild is best for you who want maternity insurance without a waiting period. So if you are looking for maternity insurance for those already pregnant, this policy is the best for you.
If you are pregnant, can you get health insurance?
Yes, you can get health insurance when you’re pregnant. But it’s preferable to find maternity insurance plans with lesser or no waiting period so you can get covered well in time.
Why is pregnancy not covered by insurance?
Pregnancy is considered a pre-existing condition for health insurance that covers maternity insurance (not for regular health insurance). The best way to purchase maternity insurance is shortly after your marriage so you have time to plan your family and can get covered in time.
How is the maternity insurance premium calculated?
The premiums for a maternity insurance policy are usually relatively high or expensive because this type of policy is guaranteed to payout in the case of a claim of a certain event (pregnancy). As a result of this certainty of the event, insurers often charge a higher premium for health insurance that includes maternity insurance coverage. So before you purchase any health insurance coverage, it is advisable to compare the benefits and the premium you need to pay to get the coverage. You can do this easily online with Lifepal!